
  • Added the following attributes to schema RentableType:
    • registration_number - Registration number for this type. It can be required by legislation to show this number when this type is advertised.
  • Added the following attributes to schema Reservation:
    • requires_pet_free - Can be used to explicitly require a pet free accommodation. The attribute cannot be true when the guest group contains pets. false means 'No preference'.
  • You can now include archived TodoLists:
    • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/todo_lists?include_archived=true
  • Added the following attribute to schema Invoice
    • type
  • Added the following attribute to schema RentableType
    • invoice_details
  • Added the following relationship to schema RefundRequest:
    • administration

Added the following attributes to schema RentableType:

  • original_identifier - yields the identifier of a rentable type in the previous PMS system, if any.

You can now filter reservations by license plate number:

GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/reservations?filter[license_plates]=12AB34


Interactive Leaflet Map details are now available in the API, allowing clients to show available Rentables on a map.

Schema changes:

  • Added the following relationships to schema Administration:
    • interactive_map - Yields tile layer & dimensions of the map (if set)
  • Added the following attributes to schema Rentable:
    • geo_json - GeoJSON Feature for this Rentable on the current interactive map of the Administration (if set). Can be part of a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.


  • Added the following relationships the schema RentableTypeAvailability:
    • available_rentables - Yields the Rentables that are available on a particular day.


  • Added the following attributes to schema DiscountAction:
    • coupon_codes
  • Added the following relationships to schema DiscountAction:
    • guest_group_limits
    • rentable_types