
AdministrationProperty within an organization. An organization can have multiple properties. A property can be a hotel, a holiday park, a camping, etc.
AdministrationAmenityAn AdministrationAmenity is a relationship between an Administration and an Amenity. When the linked Amenity
is a numerical or multiple choice Amenity, the value of this AdministrationAmenity denotes the
numerical value or the AmenityOption ID (as integer), respectively.
AdministrationSubscriptionA link between a Subscription and an Administration, chosen by the user when the app is installed.
An AdministrationSubscription has an optional link to a Channel for manual assignment, which can be used by online tour operators
to fetch availability, prices and make reservations.
AgencyThis agency can be used for backwards compatibility with the V2 API.
AgendaPeriodA blocking event on the calendar of a Rentable. This includes Reservations and maintenance events.
AggregatedJournalTransactionAggregation of transactions between ledger accounts
AgreementAn agreement with an Owner for a given RentableIdentity
AmenityAmenities are for external and internal use. They can be used to signify amenities of a RentableType or Rentable that are important to the guest.
For example:

* With sauna
* Free wi-fi

An Amenity can optionally be numerical or multiple choice. When an Amenity is numerical, the values of linked amenities (RentableTypeAmenity, RentableAmenity, ReservationAmenity and RoomAmenity)
denote the numerical value belonging to the amenity. When an Amenity is multiple choice, the values of linked amenities denote the ID of the AmenityOption that applies.
AmenityGroupProvides a way for Organizations to categorize Amenities.
AmenityOptionRepresents an option of an Amenity with type Amenities::MultipleChoiceAmenity.
ApplicationA representation of your BEX App
AreaTypeRepresents an area such as "ground floor" or "first floor".
AvailabilityAvailabilities represent a stay in or at a Rentable (mostly a holiday house, room or campsite).
It includes an exact (all-in) price for the supplied guest group and other filters.
For example, the search can give you a list of availabilities for 2 adults, 2 children, 1 pet, scoped on The Netherlands and Belgium with
preference for a Rentable with sea view for a specific price range including all-in prices. This allows the guest to really compare
Rentables because there will be no fees that are added during the reservation process.

*Note: Users can explicitly exclude costs from the all-in price. This is not standard behaviour.*
BookingA Booking consists of one or more reservations.
It should be considered a shopping cart.
The Booking defines the total amount that needs to be paid.
CancellationRuleDefines the percentage of the total price & administrative costs to be paid for Reservation cancellation.
ChangeRequestDefines a reservation change that has to be approved by an Administration. This is very useful
for online tour operators when a reservation change cannot be applied automatically.
ChannelEvery Reservation originates from a channel. This can be a tour operator, the backoffice, the website and so on.
Administrations can customize the following aspects for each Channel:

* Extras
* Costs
* Availability
* Rent prices
* Invoicing
ChargebackAn amount to be paid back to the customer.
CheckoutPortalBookingA CheckoutPortal::Booking consists of one or more checkout_portal_reservations. It should be considered a shopping cart.
A CheckoutPortal::Booking is not yet confirmed and does not block availability. Used for further processing through CheckoutPortal.
Succesfully finishing CheckoutPortal proces will result in a blocking Booking.
CheckoutPortalReservationA CheckoutPortal::Reservation can be considered a shopping cart item.
Part of a CheckoutPortal::Booking and used for processing through CheckoutPortal.
CityRepresents a city of a Region in a country.
CommissionAgreementA commission agreement of an Administration
ComplexPriceYields a complex price for a given date of a master price list.
ContactA person that opted in to receive a newsletter. Usually a Customer or Owner.
CostA cost is a surcharge that may apply to a certain Reservation.
CurrencyConversionA currency conversion defines the exchange rate from an administration's native currency to a certain other currency.
CustomerEncapsulates the Customer details of a Booking.
CustomerA Customer is a guest that created one or multiple Bookings. Note that a Customer of a particular Booking may have custom IBAN or BIC details.
DebtorA Debtor represents someone who is billed. This might be a Channel, Reservation or Owner.
DeprecatedAccommodationTypeSegment that an accommodation belongs to. For example, "Holiday houses" or "Campsites".
DiscountActionRepresents a fixed or percentage discount that may be applied to a Reservation.
DiscountActions can apply to specific Channels and/or RentableTypes.
DiscountCampaignDiscount campaigns are used to advertise DiscountActions on rent prices for one or more RentableTypes.
Discounts can be a percentage or a fixed amount.
DiscountCardDiscount cards (for example the ASCI camping card) implicitly represent a package, usually with a
custom price per night or a discount depending on the time of stay.
DomainA domain represents a top level domain name like "".
ExecutorAn executor represents a user that executes a Todo, for example a cleaner, gardener or technical service employee.
ExtraAn Extra is an option that can be added to a reservation, for example a child chair, tickets etc.
They can have prices that change over time. Will yield a price when returned within
the context of a Reservation.
ExtraOrderItemPersists that an Extra has been ordered with a given quantity. The price
of an ExtraOrderItem is the total price based on the unit price and quantity.
ExtraPackageAn ExtraPackage is a Package that can be user selected. They can have
prices that change over time. Will yield a price when returned within
the context of a Reservation.
FacilityA facility is anything that cannot be rented, for example a swimming pool or sanitary block.
FirstTermOffsetA first term offset is part of a payment policy.
GuestA guest on the guest list of a Reservation. These details are often used for reporting guest list information to authorities.
GuestGroupLimitRentableTypes, Packages and DiscountActions may only apply to specific guest groups or are calculated differently based on the guest group.
These guest groups can be defined using one or more GuestGroupLimits.
ImageRepresents an image with multiple versions.
InternalMessageInternal messages are notifications that can be sent to an administration when needed.
InvoiceInvoices can be created for Orders, Channels and Owners. An Invoice will be
in concept until it is sent, after which it becomes immutable. Changes
to an Order will be invoiced by crediting the current Invoice and generating
a new Invoice.
InvoiceItemDefines a line on an Invoice.
JournalTransactionA transaction between ledger accounts
LabelA label provides a way to categorize RentableIdentities, Owners and Reservations.
These categorizations are created by backoffice users.

**Important: A label is for internal use only and should never be exposed outside the Organization itself. This can for example be used to flag Customers that have been known for making a mess.**
LedgerAccountFinancial ledger accounts for journal transactions
LogoRepresents a logo of a payment method
LosPriceYields the price for a given arrival date and length of stay (LOS).
MainOrderItemPersists that a default (required) Cost has been ordered with a given quantity. The price
of a MainOrderItem is the total price based on the unit price and quantity.
MasterPriceListContains a list of valid arrival or checkout dates.
MeasurementRepresents a meter_reading of a utility
MemoA memo is a small note that can be added to a Reservation, which will
be shown on the details page of a Reservation. It supports
simple HTML formatting and links.
MessageRepresents a message that needs to be sent to the main guest of a Reservation.
MeterTypeA meter type of an administration.
NightPriceYields the night price for a given date.
OrderItemDefines a Cost, grouped bundle of Costs or Extra that is ordered and applies to the associated Reservation.
The price of an OrderItem is the total price for the Cost, grouped bundle of Costs or the Extra.
They should be used to render a preview of the Order to the end user.
OrganizationRepresents an organizational structure. It can have one or more Administrations (mostly holiday parks & campings).
OwnerAn Owner is typically a private person that invests in holiday homes (RentableIdentity) on a holiday park (Administration). Incoming reservation rent is paid out minus commission.
PackageEntryRepresents a Cost or Extra of a Package with a specific price as part of the Package.
PaymentRepresents a payment.
PaymentMethodPayment methods that are available for processing payments.
The actual payments are handled by a third party payment service provider.
PaymentPolicyA payment policy determines when the debtor should pay which amoubt, based on te underlying first term offsets and payment terms.
PaymentRequestAn amount to be paid by a Customer
PaymentResultA status update of a payment attempt
PaymentTermA payment term is part of a payment policy
PeriodPeriods are sets of date ranges. They can be used to define the validity of:

* Costs
* DiscountActions (when they can be booked and when the stay period is valid)
* Packages (when they can be booked and when the stay period is valid)
PeriodEntryRepresents a date range as part of a Period.
PrimaryPackageIn contrast to ExtraPackages, primary packages can be applied only once to a Reservation.
They usually provide a fixed price for a stay that is combined with several special
costs and/or extras.

For example: a Sauna package which includes "Towels", "Sauna tickets"
and "Bathrobes" can be bought together as one package that is normally cheaper
than buying all the same extras individually.
QuestionAnswerAs part of a Reservation, a QuestionAnswer is an answer of a Customer to a question predefined by an Administration.
ReceiptA receipt is a document acknowledging that an Administration has received
a Payment following a sale or other transfer of products.
ReceiptItemRepresents a line as part of a Receipt.
RefundRequestAn amount to be refunded to the Customer
RefundResultA status update of a refund attempt
RegionRepresents a region of a country.
For example:

* Overijssel
* Calabria
* Tirol
RegisterA POS register of an administration.
RentableA rentable is a period during which a RentableIdentity can be rented. A RentableIdentity can have multiple rentables, each representing different configurations (type, tags, pet policy, for rent, etc...) of the same physical accommodation. This exists because it's typical for holiday parks to upgrade accommodations. A RentableIdentity cannot have more than one active Rentable for a given date.
RentableAmenityA RentableAmenity is a relationship between a Rentable and an Amenity. When the linked Amenity
is a numerical or multiple choice Amenity, the value of this RentableAmenity denotes the
numerical value or the AmenityOption ID (as integer), respectively.
RentableIdentityAn accommodation that can be booked as part of a Reservation
RentableSegmentSegment that a RentableType belongs to. For example, "Holiday houses" or "Berths".
RentableTypeA RentableType represents a type and thus can have multiple underlying Rentables.
The specific Rentables are not advertised to the guest. The exact Rentable is hidden
from the guest so that the organization is flexible in assigning guests to different accommodations.
RentableTypeAmenityA RentableTypeAmenity is a relationship between a RentableType and an Amenity. When the linked Amenity
is a numerical or multiple choice Amenity, the value of this RentableTypeAmenity denotes the
numerical value or the AmenityOption ID (as integer), respectively.
RentableTypeAvailabilityDefines the availability of a RentableType on a given date.
RentableTypeGroupUsed by administrations to group RentableTypes that have something in common with each other.
ReservationRequest serializer for updating a Reservation outside of the channel namespace.
ReservationA reservation of a single accommodation (RentableIdentity) as part of a Booking.
Each Reservation in a Booking may have multiple order items. The total price
of a Booking is the sum of all order items belonging to its reservations.
ReservationAmenityA ReservationAmenity is a relationship between a Reservation and an Amenity.
ReviewA Review is a collection of ReviewAnswers given by a Customer of a Reservation.
It contains the average score of all answers given and provides details on the
stay period. These reviews may be shared on a website.
ReviewAnswerRepresents an answer to a review question given by the Customer of a Reservation.
ReviewFormA review form is a collection of ReviewQuestions that apply to given RentableSegments.
ReviewQuestionA review question is part of a ReviewForm. It provides a multilingual
representation of the question, specifies the kind of question and the
type of answer that is expected to be given by a customer.
RoomDefinition of a Room of a RentableType.
RoomAmenityA RoomAmenity is a relationship between a Room and an Amenity. When the linked Amenity
is a numerical or multiple choice Amenity, the value of this RoomAmenity denotes the
numerical value or the AmenityOption ID (as integer), respectively.
RoomTypeDefinition of a room type that is available in one or more types (RentableType) of an Organization.
SignatureA signature of a Receipt, obtained by having a Receipt signed by an external financial party, for example to meet Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung (RKSV) regulations in Austria.
SimplePriceYields a simple price for a given date of a master price list.
SubdomainA subdomain represents a full domain name like "" or "".
SubscriptionA subscription is created for an Organization when your app is installed. It has zero
or more AdministrationSubscriptions, which define which Administrations of the Organization
your app has access to.
SupportedPaymentMethodTranslated names and images for a supported payment method
TermsGeneral terms and conditions to which a guest has to agree to when making a Reservation.
TodoA todo is a task that needs to be done before a given deadline. It has an optional relationship to a Reservation or TodoList.
TodoImageAn image that has been uploaded as part of a Todo.
TodoListTodo lists are used to categorize Todos. For example:

* Cleaning
* Animation

Executors can be assigned to todo lists to ensure unfinished todos are assigned properly.
TrafficSourceA traffic source represent the medium through which a Reservation has been created. For example:

* Internet
* Phone
UserA user that has a vertain role in the given Organization
ValidArrivalOrCheckoutDateDefines whether arrival or checkout is possible on a given date. Part of an ArrivalCheckoutDate.
VATCodeA representation of a VAT type, eg Low/High VAT
VATTariffA rate of a VATCode for a given timeframe