
  • GET /v3/administrations/{administration_id}/measurers
  • Added the following attributes to schema Rentable:
    • unbooked_date_ranges
  • Added the following relationships to schema Category:
    • accommodation_type
  • Added the following attributes to schema Reservation:
    • memo


  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/(channels|rentable_identities|primary_packages|extra_packages)
    • Added an include_archived query parameter
  • Added the following attributes to schema Cost, Extra, ReviewAnswer, ReviewQuestion and Review:
    • created_at
    • updated_at
  • Added the following relationships to schema PrimaryPackage and ExtraPackage:
    • administration
  • Added the following attributes to schema PrimaryPackage and ExtraPackage:
    • archived
    • created_at
    • updated_at


  • Added the following attribute to schema ComplexPrice:
    • is_active - returns whether the price is currently active
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/master_price_lists/:master_price_list_id/complex_prices
    • added an include_inactive query option for including inactive complex prices


  • Added the following financial attributes to schema Reservation:
    • created_at_date - local reservation creation date
    • total
    • total_without_vat
    • deposit
    • rent_turnover
    • rent_turnover_without_vat
    • provision
  • Added the following attributes to schema Order:
    • currency
    • created_at
    • updated_at
  • Added the following attributes to schema AgendaPeriod:
    • created_at
    • updated_at
  • Added the following attributes to schema RentableIdentity:
    • created_at
    • updated_at
  • Added the following attributes to schema Rentable:
    • created_at
    • updated_at


  • POST /v3/labels
    • Creates a new label
  • PATCH /v3/labels
    • Updates a label
  • PATCH /v3/channels/:channel_id/reservations/:id
    • Added support for setting labels
  • PATCH /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/customers/:id
    • Added support for setting labels
  • Added the following relationship to schema Customer and Reservation:
    • labels


  • POST /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/payments
    • Adds a payment to an invoice
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/registers
    • Gets available registers of the administration
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/registers/:id
    • Fetches a single register
  • Added the following relationship to schema PaymentRequest:
    • register - the register used for a POS payment request
  • POST /v3/administrations/:administration_id/review_forms/:review_form_id/reviews.
    • Creates reviews for a given review form
    • Your app needs the review|write permission to be able to use this endpoint
  • Added the following relationships to schema Review:
    • category - The Category to which this review applies
    • rentable_identity - The RentableIdentity to which this review applies (optional)
  • Added the following attributes to schema Review:
    • original_identifier - The identifier of the Review in an external system or import.
  • Added the following attributes to schema ReviewQuestion:
    • allow_not_applicable - Whether a not_aplicable answer is allowed


  • Filtering by null or empty values is now possible by not specifying a value for a filter, for example filter[finished_at]=.


  • Added the following attributes to schema Category:
    • master_price_list_price_factor - The prices in the price list are multiplied by this value.
    • master_price_list_fixed_rate - This rate is added to (or subtracted from if negative) the prices of the price list.
  • Added a MasterPriceLists endpoint: GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/master_price_lists
  • Added a MasterPriceList create endpoint: POST /v3/administrations/:administration_id/master_price_lists
  • Added a MasterPriceList show endpoint: GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/master_price_lists/:master_price_list_id
  • Added a MasterPriceList update endpoint: PATCH /v3/administrations/:administration_id/master_price_lists/:master_price_list_id
  • Added a SimplePrices endpoint: GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/master_price_lists/:master_price_list_id/simple_prices
  • Added a ComplexPrices endpoint: GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/master_price_lists/:master_price_list_id/complex_prices


  • Removed deprecated attribute stock from schema NightPriceSerializer