
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/discount_actions
    • Returns discount actions of an Administration
  • Added the following attributes to schema DiscountAction:
    • discount_percentage
    • fixed_discount
    • minimum_number_of_nights
    • maximum_number_of_nights
    • archived
    • created_at
    • updated_at


  • Added the following attributes to schema Todo:
    • blocker


  • GET /v3/rentable_segments
    • Returns all RentableSegments of the organization
  • GET /v3/rentable_segments/:id
    • Gets a RentableSegment


  • Added the following attributes to schema TodoList:
    • archived


  • Added the following attributes to schema RentableType:
    • virtual


  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/administration_amenities
    • Returns AdministrationAmenities of an Administration.


  • Schema changes:
    • Availabilities and App::Availabilities endpoints:
      • filtering by accommodation_subtype_ids and -accommodation_subtype_ids is deprecated, filter by rentable_segment_ids, respectively -rentable_segment_ids, instead
    • RentableType#accommodation_subtype is deprecated, use RentableType#rentable_segment instead

Date of removal for abovementioned deprecations: 01-11-2023.


  • Added the following relationships to schema ReceiptItem:
    • ledger_account
    • vat_tariff


  • Schema changes:
    • Availabilities and App::Availabilities endpoints:
      • filtering by category_ids and -category_ids is deprecated, filter by rentable_type_ids, respectively -rentable_type_ids, instead
      • limiting by categories is deprecated, limit by rentable_types instead
      • limiting by administrations[categories] is deprecated, limit by administrations[rentable_types] instead
    • The Categories endpoint is deprecated, use the RentableTypes endpoint instead
    • The Category Amenities endpoint is deprecated, use the RentableType Amenities endpoint instead
    • The Category Images endpoint is deprecated, use the RentableType Images endpoint instead
    • The Channel Categories endpoint is deprecated, use the Channel RentableTypes endpoint instead
    • The Channel Category Availability endpoint is deprecated, use the Channel RentableType Availability endpoint instead
    • The Channel Category Costs endpoint is deprecated, use the Channel RentableType Costs endpoint instead
    • The Channel Category Extras endpoint is deprecated, use the Channel RentableType Extras endpoint instead
    • The Channel Category LOS Prices endpoint is deprecated, use the Channel RentableType LOS Prices endpoint instead
    • The Channel Category Night Prices endpoint is deprecated, use the Channel RentableType Night Prices endpoint instead
    • Availability#category is deprecated, use Availability#rentable_type instead
    • Rentable#category is deprecated, use Rentable#rentable_type instead
    • Reservation#category is deprecated, use Reservation#rentable_type instead
    • Review#category is deprecated, use Review#rentable_type instead

Date of removal for abovementioned deprecations: 31-10-2023.


  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/ledger_accounts/:ledger_account_id/journal_transactions
    • Returns unaggregated journal transactions of a LedgerAccount