
  • Schema changes:
    • Availabilities and App::Availabilities endpoints:
      • filtering by rentable_types and -rentable_types is deprecated, filter by semantic_segments, respectively -semantic_segments, instead
      • the include_rentable_type_counts option is deprecated, use include_semantic_segment_counts instead
    • Category#accommodation_type is deprecated, use Category#rentable_segment instead
    • Category#rentable_type is deprecated, use Category#rentable_segment instead to determine the rentable segment of the category, and then use RentableSegment#semantic_segment
    • AccommodationSubtype#accommodation_type is deprecated, use AccommodationSubtype#rentable_segment instead
    • ReviewForm#accommodation_types is deprecated, use ReviewForm#rentable_segments instead

Date of removal for abovementioned deprecations: 31-10-2023.


  • `GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/agenda_periods/:id
    • Gets an agenda period
  • `POST /v3/administrations/:administration_id/external_blocked_agenda_periods
    • Creates an agenda period of type ExternalBlockedAgendaPeriod
  • `PATCH /v3/administrations/:administration_id/external_blocked_agenda_periods/:id
    • Updates an agenda period of type ExternalBlockedAgendaPeriod
  • `DELETE /v3/administrations/:administration_id/external_blocked_agenda_periods/:id
    • Deletes an agenda period of type ExternalBlockedAgendaPeriod


  • Added the following relationships to schema PaymentRequest:
    • receipt (optional)
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/receipts?include_concept=true
    • Gets receipts including concept receipts


  • Added the following attributes to schema PaymentHandler:
    • pos_enabled
    • invoice_type
    • created_at
    • updated_at
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/payment_handlers
    • Gets payment handlers
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/payment_handlers/:id
    • Gets a payment handler
  • POST /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/payment_handlers
    • Creates a payment handler. Can be used by payment or POS provider apps.
  • PATCH /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/payment_handlers/:id
    • Updates an associated payment handler. Can be used by payment or POS provider apps.
  • DELETE /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/payment_handlers/:id
    • Deletes an associated payment handler. Can be used by payment or POS provider apps.


  • Added the following attributes to schema PrimaryPackage:
    • applies_to_all_categories
  • GET /v3/channels/:channel_id/primary_packages/:primary_package_id/categories
    • Yields the categories to which the given PrimaryPackage applies


  • GET /v3/app/supported_payment_methods
    • Yields all supported payment methods in BEX


  • Added the following relationships to schema Reservation:
    • question_answers (question_answer|read permission required)


  • Added the following attributes to schema Contact:
    • is_company
    • company
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • phone
    • mobile_phone
  • GET /v3/contacts/search/first
    • Returns the first found contact that matches a given email address or phone number


  • Added the following attributes to schema Owner:
    • memo


  • GET /v3/users
    • Returns all users that belong to an organization (user|read permission required)
  • GET /v3/users/:id
    • Returns a user of an organization.
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id/todo_lists/:todo_list_id/planners
    • Returns all planners of a todo list (planner|read permission required)
  • GET /v3/administrations/:administration_id:/facilities
    • Gets available facilities of the administration
  • Added schema Planner
  • Added the following attributes to schema Executor:
    • user
  • Added the following attributes to schema Todo:
    • rentable_identity
    • facility
    • creator
  • Added the following attributes to schema User:
    • created_at
    • updated_at